Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday Nov 15, 2010

Opted to go to bed last night before I could get to the computer to post my mini reading. 
Last night I sat the mood and pulled out my cards.  First thing right off The Star jumped right out of the deck and face up on my lap.  I know that it is to remind me of all it stands for, Hope, Inspiration, Faith and Belief in a better life.

I honestly find this all amazing.  I've always known Tarot could be a useful tool to help steer one towards goals and such, but I have been quite surprised.  See, Nov 8, 2010 I became unemployed after 4 years.  It was a mutual agreement that I no longer work but have nothing coming to me. 
I've wanted to open a "business" for years now.  And I have currently started studying interfaith ministry.  It's also pretty amazing how my mini readings have so far also gone along with my studies.  And, for a couple years now, it has been rumored that a certain now ex-employer would be interested in investing in my business.  So, you see how these cards to fall into place right now.

Anyway...last nights reading:   

first card: The Lovers-"augurs the necesity of a choice of some kind, usually in love.  Values put to the test, choice between love and a career or some creative activity.  Also implies the necessity of looking carefully rather than being driven blindly." 

second card: Two of Cups-"augurs the beginning of a relationship also suggests a reconciliation where an already existing relationship has under gone difficulty or separation.  OR it can imply the meeting and contracted arrangement of business partners, for here to is the element of a relationship is involved.  Commitment to romance, partnership or friendship."

third card: Two of Wands-"the formulation of a new aim, idea, goal or creative project.  The new idea may not be the final shape of the future but full of potential and sufficient to lure one out of their present confines into a new creative venture.  Everything depends on one's courage to take the idea up with both hands and to put FAITH in that invisible creative power which has generated the vision of the path."
Wish me luck everyone.  I have had my idea for my "business" for years.  I am studying to help me towards this goal and have a piece of paper that says I know my stuff.  LOL.  And, I want to believe that I will have some partnership in this venture as well.  I have FAITH in that.

I can't always find pictures of my specific deck cards...so I will have to just scan mine to have available.

Also soon, I did this years ago, but these three card mini reading pretty much coincide with your three Zodiac signs.  As in...I am an Aquarius with a Cancer rising and a Capricorn moon.  I would read each daily horoscope coordinating with each card.  But more on that at a different time.

Peace, Love and True Faith.                                                                             

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Nov 14, 2010

According to the tarot journal I use to keep, it has been since 2006 that I have given any serious energy to reading them. At that time I had been working on a mini reading you could say by also working on studying each card more by reading for myself and then having something to associate that card with. I merely sh...uffle the cards until I have 3 that "popped out" or "jumped out" from the deck as I shuffled. 

Yesterday I had to read just that one card..The Star.
Some of you may know the meaning but it is posted below. Today...3 cards fall one by one into place. 

My mini Reading.

first card: Six of Pentacles: "Faith in life and in one's capacities is regained". Some of you may know there is more to this card.  But this is all I am sharing.  

second card: Page of Cups: Birth of a new child! Behold Evan! LOL. ( could not find exact pic of my card).  


third card: Six of Wands: basically a balance card. Believe in
myself and others. work on my relationships with family and friends,
work towards my goal/vision but Don't Get Cocky and forget the bills
need to be paid. 



Peace, Love and True Faith.


Saturday Nov 13, 2010

I decided one thing I had to do and needed to do and could do was to start reading my tarot cards again.  I always felt I was good being able to "read" and or interpret a spread pretty good.  However, I was not ever to the point where I could do a reading without my book.  I've always wanted to be able to read a spread without help of my book but yet...if it fits and I am able to be able to translate and relate the reading to someone?  IDK. 

 Anyway, I have The Mythic Tarot Deck.  A beautiful deck I was quite drawn to.  Yesterday I decided to pick up my deck and just play and maybe see what my own mini reading would be.  So, sitting the mood, I get out my cards and just start to shuffle them.  My deck is a bit bigger than a regular deck of cards so the cards are hard to hold onto.  Shuffle, shuffle and finally I have some cards fall from the deck...but it was on card that landed all by itself that called.  It was The Star.

"Hope, Inspiration, Faith and Belief in a better life."

Now knowing my personal current events, Wow. 

 I always say...Peace, Love and True Faith.